Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A day in the Country - Wordless Wednesday

It was a gorgeous day, so we went out for a drive in the country. 

First off, we ran into a train.  A really, really, really long train. 

Right on the other side of the train is a little country store that I love.  Unfortunately, they were closed.  I kind of want to move it to my farm.  Nevermind the fact that a) someone already owns the store and b) I don't have a farm.  Details, details. 

We then ran into the train again.  And again.  I told you it was a really long train! 

And then a second train.   This one was going the opposite direction. 

There were a ton of animals out, basking in the warm autumn sun.  Unfortunately, the driver wouldn't slow down or stop the car.  They did stop for the llamas, though. 


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