Friday, February 10, 2012
We've Moved
I'd hate for you to miss a moment of the fun!
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Dinosaurs Guest post from: Natalie Walter
Brought to you by your friends at Directv.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Is the Prescription Savings Club a Good Fit for You
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Walgreens for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.
At my day job, we recently switched insurance plans. It’s a little lacking, to say the least. I’m not sure if whoever is responsible for the switch doesn’t understand the way insurance works, or if someone just spun the program really well to my employer.
At least I know I can get a decent program for our prescriptions at Walgreens. You can join the Prescription Savings Club at Walgreens for $20 a year for individuals and just $35 per year for families. The family plan includes dependents under the age of 22 and even covers your pets! I used to have a dachshund that took thyroid medication. I would spend $30 a month just on his pills! At the time, I scoffed at the notion of pet insurance, but now I totally understand it.
“I’m so rarely sick” you say. That’s okay! The Prescription Savings Club is good for more than just prescriptions! It not only covers discounts on your generic and name-brand prescriptions, but also flu shots, diabetic supplies, and breathing treatments like nebulizers. Members can also get bonuses for purchasing Walgreens brand products and Walgreens photo processing.
For $1.66 a month for singles and under $3 a month for families, the Prescription Savings Club is definitely something worth looking in to.
Connect with Walgreens via your favorite social media site, too.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Tiny Prints for Valentines
I always loved Valentine's Day at school. It may be because there was no pressure and everyone got gifts. Or it could be that I love to get mail. I'm not totally sure which...Or maybe Valentine's Day led to my love of getting mail? Hmmm...
The store-bought $3 for a class pack of Valentine Cards weren't for me, either. No ma'am. I wanted something special! So, of course, the hunt was ON.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
HWYD Happenings
Guiltless Pleasures Pies
Gorton's Seafood
Also - We're on the move! HWYD is making the move to wordpress. So, we may go down over the weekend or you may get redirected to another site. Never fear! It's part of the process and we'll be back shortly.
See ya monday!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Guest Post - Savory Meat Roll from Kids Are Grown
We're kind of big into junk food here. Have you ever seen the movie Mermaids, where they only eat finger foods? Yeah...that's us!
Melissa over at The Kids are Grown. Now What? has this recipe for a meat roll that looks kinda tasty. Her recipe is gluten free, too! We don't eat meat, so I'd make it vegetarian. I think it would still be good and would work well for sporting event gatherings. You know, like big ones that happen on Sundays.
Free Valentines from VistaPrint
I love stationery. I just do. I order a lot of stuff from VistaPrint, as their quality is good and the prices are right.
Now, you can get 10 free notecards that can be turned into 30 Valentines for free! Use them for your kids class or send them to people you know! Just pay shipping and processing, which starts at $4.50
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Target $50 Gift Card Give It Away
The Giveaway Gal has her own domain . To celebrate she is giving away a $50 Target gift card. Just fill out the rafflecopter below and if you do all the entries you will get a bonus 25 entries!
Baby Gourmet ~ Natural Organic Baby Food
What do you do when you want to make your own baby food, but don't have time? Find out at mommarambles
From Maryland Momma's Rambles -
Feeding the little man healthy nutritious foods has always been important to me. I’ve tried buying organic produce and making my own baby food for him, but honestly, as a busy working mom, I no longer have time for that.
Keep reading
Craftsy Block of the Month Program - Free
Have you heard of Craftsy? It's a combination online community/deal site, and it's all crafty bits. Tutorials, forums, an online store, and more.
Welll...they're doing a quilt block of the month - and it's free. Each month, you get 2 different blocks to make, then you'll spend the last two months putting your new quilt together. Sign up and check it out!
Monday, January 23, 2012
$100 and a ViSalus Balance Kit Give It Away
This event is sponsored by Drink Yourself Skinny an Independent Distributor of the Body By Vi 90 Day Challenge. The 90 Day Challenge is not just a weight loss program it is a health and wellness program that can help you lose weight, tone up, or build muscle. Visalus offers those looking to become healthy the ability to refer 3 of their friends or family to the program and get their monthly kit for free. Plus everyone who joins the Challenge is eligible for the prizes, trips, and rewards offered by the company. Every 90 days new winners are chosen in several categories for the biggest overall transformation to win prizes like Hollywood Make-Overs and Tropical Cruises.
One of my missions for 2012 is to continue on my travels of health and getting back in shape. I feel like everyone can use a little help, whether it's a program, a support group, or pre-packaged foods or meal replacements.
The Balance program has 30 meal replacement shakes.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
BLOGGER EVENT: Target Giftcard Giveaway
Giveaway Gal is so excited that she bought her domain, so she's having a giveaway to celebrate. But really, we're the winners! Why, you ask? Because she's gonna give away a $50 Target gift card! If you're a blogger and want to take part, go check out her post.
MamaLuvsBooks: How Special Needs Children Change Your Life...
This is an amazing and fantastic post that everyone should read.
For many years, my BFF was an autistic tween. I worked with her mom, and she wanted to do everything with me. But then she turned 14 and decided she was too cool for me.!!
MamaLuvsBooks: How Special Needs Children Change Your Life...: This week I am doing a little "get to know you" series and reposting a few of my favorite posts that I wrote for a blog called aMomKnowsBest...
Trop50 Juice $50 Spa GC Give It Away
Did you miss out on the last giveaway for the $50 Spa Week Gift Card? Well, never fear - there's another chance to win! Remember when we talked about Trop50? Or when we discussed some super-tasty mocktail and cocktail recipes? Well, the great people at Tropicana have been kind enough to sponsor another $50 Spa Card for HWYD readers. Awesome, right?
Enter in the easy-peasy rafflecopter form. After the jump!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Chinese New Year Give It Away
Don't forget to hit up the Chinese New Year Giveaway Hop! There's 48 different blogs participating, plus a great grand prize!
There's Amazon cards, movies, Paypal cash, natural health products, wallets, accessories, and so much more! Don't forget about the grand prize, too - a super cute Chinoiserie clutch bag!
Hop to the list of participating blogs
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Copy-Cat Olive Garden’s Tuscan Garlic Chicken
My new bloggy buddy Cathy at Sidetracked Mom has created this tasty looking dish that's a clone of Olive Garden's Tuscan Garlic Chicken.
Check it out, won't ya?
Friday, January 20, 2012
Guiltless Pleasures Pies Give It Away - #FTRgiveaway
Hosted by Planet Weidknecht and
Going Crazy!!Wanna Go??
Here at HWYD, we're offering up a couple of pies. MMMM...Pie...But these aren;t your normal pies. Oh no...they're Guiltless Pleasures pies!! Low sugar, low calorie, yet still really high on taste and satisfaction. Read the whole review here.
Enter in the easy-peasy rafflecopter form below.
Give It Away Roundup
There's a ton of fantastic giveaways going on at HWYD right now. Here's a complete list!
Annette in Laughlin pouch - Ends Jan 20 - That's today!! Open WW
Spa Week $50 Gift Card - US Only, Also ends today (1/20)
Two really fantastic novels - One Hundred and One Nights + Queen of America - Ends Jan 23, Open to US & Canada
Digital Photography: A Basic Manual - Such a fab book to learn from! Ends Jan 23, Open to US & Canada.
A super great personalized address stamp! - US Only, ends Jan 23rd
Be sure to enter the Chinese New Year Grand Prize - This one is open Worldwide! ends Jan 23rd!
Gorton's Seafood - US Only, ends 1/26. 3 winners for this one!
Old Orchard Juice - ends Feb 2. Open to US & Canada. 2 Winners here.
Are you a blogger? Then sign up to win a Kindle! Heck yeah! Daily Scoup & Moms With Voices Media are pretty cool, too! - Ends Feb 1. Open Worldwide, I think...
And another Kindle giveaway, from the Author of Fearless. Or you can get an Amazon credit if you already have a Kindle. Ends Jan 31.
A few great giveaways from my bloggy friends -
Boogie Board LCD Writing Tablet - Ends 1/22. US only.
Tales From The Nursery is giving away a SodaStream! Umm...YEAH!!! Ends Jan 22, continental US only.
Cut Your Cable Costs - from Lets Start Saving Now
My bloggy buddy Kelli @ Lets Start Saving Now has a great tip to save some money on your cable bill. Now I want one of these gadgets...sigh.
Lets Start Saving Now: Tuesday's Thrifty Tip: Last week, we start talking about saving money on entertainment . You can save loads of money on your cable bill.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
BLOGGER EVENT: Leapin' Lizards Give It Away Event
The Leapin' Lizards Blog Hop is set for February 24th through March 4th.
- Runs February 24th through March 4th.
- Each blogger will be responsible for their own $25 Prize Package
- Your prize package must be unique for this hop - it will need to start Feb 24th and end March 4th.
- First come, first served in the linky.
- NO FEE to sign up! Just a blog post! If you choose not to do that, there will be a $5 fee, payable via paypal.**
- You will need to display the button in your post. I'd love it if you also post it on your blog, but that's optional.
- All participants will need to abide by FTC & Facebook rules and Regs.
A.) Do a blog post about the giveaway. You'll need to link back to here in your post, and include the button that's in the sidebar. Email me a link to your post and add yourself to the linky.
B.) Send $5 via paypal to gretasday(at)gmail(dot)com The fees go towards admin costs and towards the grand prize.
There's a Facebook group, too. I recommend joining it, as there will be info shared in there. I will also send the pertinent info via email updates.
How to Get the Most from An Eye Appointment
Brought to you by your friends at Zeiss
How To Make Cabochon Pendant - A Tutorial
This cabochon pin/pendant is a gift I made for the girls on my list this year. I couldn’t share the project until after Christmas, lest someone know what I was up to! They're an easy, simple, and quick to make project that pack a wallop!
You will need:
- A Cab. Also called cabochon/cabuchon/ Resin Medallions. Sometimes these are glass, stone, or porcelain, too.
- A setting that fits your cab. Cabs are sold by dimension. The ones I used are 30x40mm (approx 1 ¼ inches x 1 ½ inches) Settings will have the same measurement.
- E-6000 Adhesive. It works the absolute best.
- Acetone
- Paper towels or a soft cloth
Cost - About $3.50 each.
Guiltless Pleasures Pies - Review #FTRgiveaway
I’m one of those people that like to have a treat. If I’ve had a rough day, I like to have a treat. If I’ve had a really great day, I like to treat myself to celebrate. Guiltless Pleasures pies are lower calorie, low sugar, and healthy way to treat yourself.
I grew up in a bakery, so I’m a bit of a snob when it comes to food. I have to admit, I was a touch leery when I got these pies to review. There’s just 160 calories in a serving? Hmmm…diet pies…yum? I decided I would go into the taste test with an open mind. As it turns out, I was pretty wrong in my prejudice!
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Personalized Address Stamp Give It Away Event #CNYhop
Welcome to the Chinese New Year Hop, brought to you by How Was Your Day? 2012 is the Year of the Dragon!
Here at HWYD, we're giving away a Customized Address Stamp from Simply Stamps. Custom address stamps add such a touch of class, plus a dash of your own personality! Check out my full review here.
BLOGGER EVENT: Savory Summer Giveaway Hop
Who doesn't like to eat and try new foods? I know I do! Savory Summer looks like an awesome event! Bloggers are responsible for their own $25 prize pack, which has to be food related.
It's free to join, too. So what are you waiting for? Sign up now!
BLOGGER EVENT: Visalus + $100 Give It Away Signups
Join a big, awesome group of bloggers who are partnering to give away a Visalus Balance Kit AND $100! How fantastic is that?
Best of all, the event is free to participate in, and you don't have to have any specific stats. Woohoo!
If you're interested in signing up, fill out the form below.
And join this facebook group
Fearless Young Adult Book Tour and Kindle Give It Away
Tasmyn Vaughn didn't expect much when her dad’s job moved them to a small town in Florida; it was just another new school. But there is more to King than meets the eye, and soon Tasmyn’s ability to hear other’s thoughts is the least of her worries. Entangled in a web of first love, quirky and secretive townsfolk, magic and blood rituals, she discovers the town’s secrets aren’t just bizarre, they’re deadly.
Buy it HEREWhat People are Saying about Fearless
"Tawdra's debut novel enthralled me from the start. She captures the struggles and fears of the high school journey perfectly- with a paranormal twist. Tasmyn and Michael will have you adding them to your "favorite couples" list! I was sad to see this book end, and look forward to reading more by Tawdra soon!" Sarah M. Ross Young Adult Writer
"Fearless is a fantastic read. It is appropriate for both young adult and older readers with its charming storyline of a young lady learning to use her supernatural gift for the greater good. The characters are relatable, something that every reader can appreciate. I can’t wait to see where the rest of the series takes Tasmyn, Michael and their friends." Marcie Bridges, reviewer
"Fearless is a great read for young and old alike. It perfectly
intertwines the magic of first love with the twists and turns of a
thrilling plot that pulls the reader in. When I finished the final
chapter, I could not wait until my next "trip" to King to visit with Tasmyn and Michael!" --Devyn Prado, Reviewer Taking Time for Mommy
Not ONLY is Author Tawdra T. Kandle having a Giveaway for a KINDLE but everyone that signs up for her newsletter will get her 2nd book BREATHLESS as soon as it comes out in March & 25 entries for the Kindle Giveway!
Now for the Kindle Giveaway!! Fill out the Form below
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Flash Cash Give It Away - WW
Here is a quickie giveaway for you! Who doesn't need an extra $20?
Enter below, win by tomorrow!!
Giveaway opens at 9 PM EST 1/17 and ends at 9 PM EST 1/18!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Old Orchard Cranberry Juice - Give It Away - US/CAN
Cranberry Naturals juice cocktail from Old Orchard is a great option for those looking to watch their waistlines! At just 80 calories per 8 oz serving, this has less calories than most regular juices. Cranberry Naturals also has no artificial colors or flavors, no fake sweeteners, and no high fructose corn syrup! How great is that? Plus, the juice actually tastes good. I would have had no idea this was "light."
Even better? Old Orchard is still family-owned and 25 years later, still run from the same orchard where the company started.
Check out my recipe for Cranberry Jellies candies, too.
Two people will each win 2 coupons for a free bottle of juice! These are big bottles of juice, too - like 64 ounce family-sized bottles!
Enter to win in the rafflecopter form after the jump!
Mocktail and Cocktail Recipes with Trop50
Remember when I told you about Trop50 a couple weeks ago? It's a lower calorie, lower sugar juice blend that still has your recommended daily allowance of Vitamin C. Trop 50 also has no artificial sweeteners, using a stevia-based sweetener instead.
Because of the lower calorie, lower sugar makeup, Trop50 is fantastic for use as a mixer in Mocktails and Cocktails. A few fantastic ones:
Monday, January 16, 2012
Monday Money Madness Flash Give It Away - WW

Welcome to the MONDAY MONEY MADNESS FLA$H GIVEAWAY! Each Monday in January a great group of bloggers have gotten together to give you the chance to win $15.00 cash- enter on Monday, have your cash by Tuesday! Sweet! Simple Entry via Rafflecopter. OPEN WORLDWIDE TO ANYONE WITH A PAYPAL ACCOUNT! Good Luck!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Chinese New Year Grand Prize Give It Away
Welcome to the Chinese New Year Hop Grand Prize. There are more than 50 blogs taking part in this fantastic giveaway hop!
The Grand Prize is this fabulous Chinoiserie Carlotta clutch bag, sponsored by Dulce Mio.
Carlotta is a vintage kind of gal, based in the 1940s. But make no mistake, our Carlotta is big on modern style! Plenty of room inside the zippered bag for your necessities, plus space for the little extras you might want to carry. Great for tucking into your day bag, or use as a clutch for your night out.
Hop to the other blogs, enter their giveaways, then come back and claim your entry for each giveaway you've entered. Easy peasy, right? You're getting entries for entering giveaways!
Enter in the Rafflecopter below.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Introducing Bag It, Don't Bin It Eco Friendly Bags
We all want to do our part for the environment. Recycling, reducing waste, and reusing things we have are great ways to help out. One of the great ways to both reduce and reuse is by using reusable shopping bags! That’s where Bag It, Don’t Bin It comes in.
Bag It, Don’t Bin It, a UK based company, makes highly fashionable, eco chic reusable bags that are fabric, rather than some kind of plastic-y or nylon fabric. Available in eco friendly fabrics like cotton, jute, and canvas, these bags are printed with hip, happening images, designs, and slogans.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Whole Lotta Mama's 5k Fan Celebration Giveaway
Hey rockin fans! You guys are the only thing that keeps my giveaways and blog going! To thank you for all you do, I have complied a few other bloggers for some awesome prizes for you all to win! You must be a fan of mine, Whole Lotta Mama to receive the secret word. Go to and find the tab on the left that says Secret Word, click it and you will see it :)
Cranberry Jellies Candy Recipe
It’s after the holidays and you’re looking for something to have. You’re trying to stick to your diet, but you’ve just gotta have some something sweet. These Cranberry Jellies are a perfect solution.
You will need:
2 cups Fruit Juice - I used Old Orchard’s Cranberry Naturals juice cocktail
½ cup Sugar
4 pkts gelatin
2 TBSP Lemon Juice
Non stick spray
Are You Ready for the Chinese New Year Blog Hop? #CNYhop
Are you ready? 60+ blogs all with a great prize pack. PLUS - a grand prize that's super cute! Ooh la la! The Chinese New Year hop kicks off at Midnight!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Do You Get Your Prescriptions at Walgreen's
Walgreens and Express Scripts have had a falling out. Express Scripts recently decided to remove Walgreen’s from their pharmacy provider nework. Yeah, that Walgreen’s – the one that’s on every corner with the super convenient drive-thru pharmacies. Walgreen’s also has a ton of 24hr pharmacies. If you’ve ever had a late night trip to the emergency room or had to go to Urgent Care on a weekend, you recognize how important that is! I’ve never understood why medical care is only available Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5pm.
Express Scripts clients aren’t even seeing any benefits from this change! The pharmacies aren’t closer or more convenient to the patients. Express Scripts themselves admit that their customers may actually pay more, as other pharmacies can’t match Walgreen’s prices. This is truly mind-boggling!
One of the largest groups affected by this is the US military! Tricare, which is the healthcare provider for the military is one of Express Script’s customers. Walgreen’s agreed to meet or beat the prices of any other pharmacy during the contract negotiations and proposed a different contract just for Tricare, which was also rejected. I’ve spent a lot of time around military bases. Many times they are in the middle of nowhere with not a lot of stuff around.
What Express Scripts really wants is for patients in their network to use their mail-in pharmacy exclusively. While that may work for some, when you need antibiotics for your strep throat, that just isn’t acceptable! And I’m sorry, but I like talking to a pharmacist if I have questions about my medications.
Sensing that this split was on the horizon, Walgreen’s has been trying to assist their customers who are being forced to switch pharmacies in order to use their healthcare coverage. For those that would like to continue using Walgreen's, you might consider the Prescription Savings Club at Walgreens. During the month of January, individuals can join for $5/yr and families can join for $10/yr. The normal price is $20 and $35 for a yearly membership.
How to tell if you are affected.
Look on the back of your prescription card. If it states “Express Scripts” this effects you. If it doesn’t explicitly say “Express Scripts,” you’re fine! If this does affect you, and you want to bring attention to it, contact your local media or spread the word via social media.
Support Walgreen's via social media, too. Walgreens on Facebook and Walgreens on Twitter.
Simply Stamps - Review #CNYhop
I adore stationery. Partner that with a monogram and hooo-boy, I just may be in love. That’s why I am mad about these personalized address stamps from Simply Stamps. Anyone who has received a package from me lately knows what I mean. The above image is the style I chose.
While lots of people say the days of letter writing are over, there are tons of times when you have to mail something. Invitations. Packages. Thank You Cards. Heck, I even have bills that I can’t pay online because they haven’t set up those systems yet. I use my address stamp for all those things. I’ve also used mine to make a monogram label and tags for items.
Beyond that, there’s a style for everyone! Simply Stamps are wizards with what type of layouts can be done and what will look good. It really is amazing. I wanted just this side of 900 characters on my address stamp and they were able to work in everything I wanted, and make it look good, too!
The personalized address stamp itself is nice and sturdy, and it’s self-inking. It is so simple to use that the stamp almost never gives a partial imprint or too inky of an imprint.
Be sure to give Simply Stamps a like on Facebook, too.
I received an item for review purposes only. I did not receive any compensation. All opinions are mine.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Bloggers - Win A Kindle or Cash from Daily Scoup
DailyScoup's Blazing Hot Giveaway - WIN a Kindle Fire!!!

Daily Scoup
is hosting an exciting contest just for us, for one of
the hottest items on the market- the Kindle Fire! Their DailyScoup's Blazing Hot Giveaway - WIN a Kindle Fire Contest is designed to help you monetize your blog and give you a chance to enter for two amazing prizes!

Daily Scoup
is a brand new site for daily and local deals! They offer services to
merchants for FREE so they always have the better deals than
competitors, and best of all- they have an affiliate program that pays
50% on a 60 day cookie! There is huge income potential there!!
Here is how it works!
ONE Kindle Fire will be awarded to the person with the most REFERRALS
$100 CASH (via Paypal) winner will be drawn at random from the Rafflecopter form below!
To enter- join the affiliate program
Then fill out the Rafflecopter form HERE!
Best of All
Flash Cash Give It Away - WW
Here is a quickie giveaway for you! Who doesn't need an extra $20?
Enter below, win by tomorrow!!
Giveaway opens at 9 PM EST 1/10 and ends at 9 PM EST 1/11!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Gorton's Seafood - Give It Away - US
Do you wanna win some super tasty seafood products from Gorton's? Of course you do! 3 winners will each receive 2 coupons for free product. You can choose from breaded fillets, sure, but also grilled salmon or grilled tilapia. You can even choose breaded or grilled shrimp! Om nom nom!
Be sure to check out the original review.
Thanks Gorton's!
Enter in the rafflecopter form after the jump.